Company Pension
A company pension can be an attractive employee benefit for your employees and an advantage when potential new employees consider you as their next workplace. With a pension scheme, you as a company show that you are willing to invest in your employees and their future – and they typically get better terms and coverages with a company pension than with a pension plan they set up themselves.
Consider a Pension Broker
For many companies, it is both time consuming and overwhelming to familiarize themselves with various terms, coverages, and requirements of different pension and health insurance providers when setting up a company pension scheme for their employees.
In this case, it would be worth considering a pension broker.
A pension broker is an independent expert in pension schemes for businesses, meaning you will have an advisor who has deep knowledge about the pension field and will help you find the right company pension for you and your employees.
The pension broker is independent from pension and health insurance providers, meaning they work solely on your wishes and needs, and what is best for you.
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Let Söderberg & Partners Help With the Company's Pension Scheme
Pension Advisement with Söderberg & Partners
Get advice on how to best develop a pension policy that offers the pension scheme you want to provide to your employees.
Establishment: We help you establish the pension and health scheme you wish to offer your employees, based on the pension policy.
Administration: We manage the administration of your pension and health scheme and assist with answering inquiries about the scheme from your employees.
Ongoing updates: We ensure that your pension scheme and health insurance remain updated to meet the company’s needs. If you are a member of an employers’ association, we also make sure that the solution complies with the collective agreement requirements.
We provide personal advising to your employees regarding their pension savings to ensure they have the best possible retirement.
Introductory Meeting
A meeting is held between Söderberg & Partners and a company representative to discuss the company’s wishes.
Signed power of attorney
Once the company signs the power of attorney, the options for creating a pension and health solution that meets the company’s needs and requirements are explored.
Market offering
Söderberg & Partners will then send the desired pension scheme out for tender with multiple pension providers and gather the best offers.
Choosing a pension solution
The pension broker presents the different possibilities, after which the company chooses the solution that best meets their needs.
We will take it from here
From here, the pension broker will handle all the administrative tasks regarding your pension solution.
We Often Get These Questions
A company pension is a pension scheme set up by an employer for their employees. The employer typically contributes a percentage of the employee’s salary each month to their pension scheme.
A pension savings plan helps ensure your financial security when you eventually retire. It is important to start saving for your pension early in life so that you are assured the standard of living you dream of as a retiree.
There are three different types of pension savings
- Annuity pension is paid out in installments over a period of 10 to 30 years
- Lifetime annuity is a lifelong pension, where you are guaranteed monthly payouts from retirement and for the rest of your life
- Retirement savings can be paid out either in a lump sum or as monthly payments.
In addition, there are still Danes who have a capital pension. A capital pension is a type of savings that can no longer be set up or contributed to.
There are advantages and disadvantages to the different types of savings plans, which are important to understand.
What constitute a good savings plan is individual. Overall, a pension savings plan should ensure your financial security in retirement, with room to live out the dreams you have for your retirement years.
What constitute a good savings plan is individual. Overall, a pension savings plan should ensure your financial security in retirement, with room to live out the dreams you have for your retirement years.