General information about Söderberg & Partners
Söderberg & Partners Denmark is regulated by the Danish Insurance Mediation Act, which means, among other things, that insurance brokers and advisers must have a broad, professional insurance background, possess relevant legal and financial knowledge, and have practical experience. All the insurance brokers and advisers at Söderberg & Partners comply with these requirements. Under the Danish Insurance Mediation Act, an independent insurance intermediary is obliged to disclose their name and address, register with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as be explicit as to how it performs checks, its complaints procedure and how disputes are settled. It must also have professional liability insurance.

Advice and guidance
Söderberg & Partners only represent the client and does not act on behalf of insurance companies.
We provide advice and guidance based on an objective analysis of such a large number of insurance contracts available on the market that we can advise which insurance contract best meets the client’s needs.
Söderberg & Partners does not have a direct or indirect share of the voting rights or capital in a particular insurance company. Similarly, no insurance companies have a direct or indirect share of the voting rights in Söderberg & Partners. Söderberg & Partners does not have a contractual obligation to use only certain insurance companies.
An independent insurance intermediary must be registered with the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, which is the authority that monitors companies in the financial sector.
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority shall, on request, provide details of Söderberg & Partners’ right to provide insurance and to what extent this right is limited. The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority can be contacted to verify our registration.
For life insurance and pension clients: Söderberg & Partners receives remuneration for insurance mediation and advice.
The remuneration constitutes a share of the insurance premium, a fee, a charge, a percentage of a deposit or a combination of these. Information about our remuneration is provided before or in connection with the advice.
For non-life insurance clients: Söderberg & Partners receive fees for providing insurance brokerage services to our clients. The fee is agreed with the client when entering into a cooperation agreement and is further described in the agreement.
For further information, please contact your broker at Söderberg & Partners.
Professional liability insurance
As independent insurance intermediary, Söderberg & Partners has taken out professional liability insurance according to current legislation.
The insurance meets the requirements for insurance sum, regulated according to Danish law “Lov om Forsikringsformidling”.
Claims for compensation must be submitted to Söderberg & Partners without undue delay after the loss has occurred.

Complaints should be addressed to the Complaints Manager at Söderberg & Partners via letter or e-mail.
Relevant documentation must be provided and the name of the person at Söderberg & Partners who handled the case. A confirmation will be sent upon receipt of the complaint within three business days.
If a dispute should arise, there is the option to have it brought before the courts.
Söderberg & Partners is registered and based in Copenhagen and so Danish jurisdiction applies in case of dispute.
Life insurance and pension clients
Söderberg & Partners Denmark I Forsikringsmæglervirksomhed A/S
Amaliegade 3
DK-1256 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 3313 3330
Non-life insurance clients
Söderberg & Partners Denmark II Forsikringsmæglervirksomhed A/S
Amaliegade 3
DK-1256 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 3313 3330